Kahe village is one of the villages in Northern part Tanzania. It is found in Kilimanjaro Region, Moshi rural district. The village is 23KMs from Moshi Town.  The main economic activity of the village is peasant agriculture and livestock keeping.  The village has 9 primary schools and two secondary schools. Every year the children who finish their primary school are many than the capacity of Secondary schools in the village.
Every year more than 60 Children from primary schools are left at Home, and this year 74 children are at home as they have failed to get opportunity to join public secondary schools in the village.  (source -Ward/Village education officer, Jan 2016). Most of these children who are left at home are Girls who get early marriage and early pregnancy.
In solving this problem the village Government has agreed to offer land (seven hectors) for construction of private secondary school and Library in the village. The school is expected to start working in January 2017 by enrolling students who will fail to join government secondary in the village and they will not be able to go for other expensive secondary schools in town.
The total cost of construction of this school is  TSH 200,000,000/= equivalent to USD  95,238.
The school project need six class rooms, three laboratories, administration block, library, toilets, bore hole, dining hall and kitchen, desktop computers, books, furniture, solar system,  teachers houses and water pump machine.
We kindly invite you to work with us in creating sustainable future of children in our village.
Specifically you can support one item in this list: Cost are in Tanzanian Shillings and US dollar.
i.  Construction of one class  cost 8,000,000/= equivalent to USD 3809
ii. One Bore hall  200,000/= equivalent to USD 95
iii. one Water pump machine (petrol) cost is  250,000/= equivalent to USD 119
iv. Solar system cost 5,000,000/= equivalent to Usd 2380
v.  One window cost  160,000/= Equivalent to USD  76
vi. One Door  Cost  100,000/= equivalent to USD 48
vii. one  Student table cpst 60,000/= Equivalent to USD 28
VIII.  one student chair  cost  45,000/= Equivalent to USD  21
ix. One roofing sheets cost  17,000/= Equivalent to USD 8
x. One brick cost  500/= Equivalent to--- Less than one USD.
Others needed resources are Desktop computers, Desk top computers 20 pieces, Office tables 20 pieces, Office chairs 20 pieces, books for all subjects 300 pieces and  Laboratory equipments. We will be sharing the progress of the project in every mount.

Germany : Andreas Loesche, Email
Tanzania : Peter Francis ,